100 Mile Training Journey

100 Mile Training Journey
Photo by sporlab / Unsplash

This page will be my log of my 100-mile training journey starting on January 19th, 2023. I'm not sure how many people will care about this page but I wanted to have it on here anyways. You can read my other content if you don't want to see my day-to-day quick thoughts on what it takes to run a 100-mile ultra marathon. The challenge of this will be the mindset to keep pursuing something I don't know I will finish. Each day will have its own challenges and with that comes insights into how the mind reacts when trying to achieve a long-term goal.

February Thoughts

Opportunities are everywhere: You don't even realize opportunities exist around you. I live in Illinois and training for hills can be difficult. However, I work on the 11th floor of my building and live on the 10th floor of my apartment. If I take the stairs instead of the elevator, I can climb almost 40-60 flights of stairs a day. Add that up over 200 days and that's 12,000 flights of stairs I climbed in the training period that I wouldn't have done otherwise.